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Lonely Me

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

...aLWAyS reMEMBer...

..alwaYs RememBer tO ForGet
the thINg That maDe u SAd...
..BuT neVEr FOrget To rEMemBer
tHe thIngs ThaT maDe u GLAd...

don'T hURt me...
Coz I alSo don'T wannA hurT u Too...

Leave mE aLonE
coZ i kNOw..
u'LL Be haPPy withOut me

noBODY KnowS its EMpty
tHIS SmiLe ThaT i Wear
The ReAL i iS LEft in The PAst
bcOZ u Have LEft me THeRe...

 noBOdy Knows iTS PAinfUL
tHEy thINk tHAT im sTRong
tHEY say That This wON't KILL mE
bUt i woNDer iF tHEy WEre Strong

LonelY i, iN the DArkness
Lonely i, With mY tearS
LoneLY i, soRROw And HATe
LOnelY i, pAIn anD NOthinG

......LONELY i WHEN im ALL ALONE........

>ePPy 2geTHer<


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