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Sunday, August 29, 2010

...setahun sudah berlalu...

setahun dah berlalu...
cepat sungguh masa bergerak..
tak sedar setahun yg mendatang
tp ingatan terhadap angah masih dlm ingatan

hanya iringan doa yg dapat kami berikan di sini
semoga angah berbahagia di sana hendaknya

.....ePPy 2getHer...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

...I Promise Myself.....

To Be Strong That Nothing Can Disturb My Peace Of Mind!!!!

To Talk Health, Happiness and Prosperity To Every Person I Meet..

To Make All My friends Feel That There Is Something Worthwhile in Them...

To Look at the Sunny side of Everything and Make My Optimism Come True..

To Think Only the Best, To Work Only for the Best and To Expect Only the Best...

To Forget the Mistakes of the PAST and Press on the Greater Achievements of the Future...

To wear a Cheerful Expression at All Times and Give a Smile to Every Living Creature I Meet..

To Give Some Much Time to Improving Myself that I have NO Time to Criticize Others...

To Live in the Faith that the Whole Word is On My Side, so long as I am True to the Best that is in Me....

*-* eppy 2gether..*-*


Selama Menjalankan Ibadat Puasa kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat sekalian alam...

.....EPPY 2gETHer....