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Lonely Me

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Monday, October 19, 2009


...hYE aLL..

Laugh wHen U cAn...
aPOlogiZe wHEn u SHouLd...
anD Let GO of What u CAn't chANge..
foRGive quickLy...
takE CHAnces, gIVe evERYthINg
anD haVE No regRETs..
LIFE Is too Short tO BE AnytHIng...
BUT HAPPy!!!!!

...ePPy 2GEtheR...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

...eppY DEPAVALLI...

Hye ALL..

wanna wish U all a very eppY devali yaa...
esp to aLL my INDIAN FRIENDS....

>eppY 2getHer<

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

...aLWAyS reMEMBer...

..alwaYs RememBer tO ForGet
the thINg That maDe u SAd...
..BuT neVEr FOrget To rEMemBer
tHe thIngs ThaT maDe u GLAd...

don'T hURt me...
Coz I alSo don'T wannA hurT u Too...

Leave mE aLonE
coZ i kNOw..
u'LL Be haPPy withOut me

noBODY KnowS its EMpty
tHIS SmiLe ThaT i Wear
The ReAL i iS LEft in The PAst
bcOZ u Have LEft me THeRe...

 noBOdy Knows iTS PAinfUL
tHEy thINk tHAT im sTRong
tHEY say That This wON't KILL mE
bUt i woNDer iF tHEy WEre Strong

LonelY i, iN the DArkness
Lonely i, With mY tearS
LoneLY i, soRROw And HATe
LOnelY i, pAIn anD NOthinG

......LONELY i WHEN im ALL ALONE........

>ePPy 2geTHer<


Monday, October 12, 2009

..If I never knew you...

If I never knew you
If I never felt this love
In this world so full of fear
Full of rage and lies
I can see the true so clear
In your eyes
So dry your eyes

Regretfully… Regretfully, I’m like this
I hate that you left without a word
I thought our love would be so beautiful
Somehow we'd make the whole world bright
I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong

All they'd leave us were these whispers in the night
But where do I go from here?
So many voices ringing in my ear
Which is the voice that I was meant to hear?
How will I know where do I go from here?
The path ahead, so hard to see
It winds and bends, but where it ends depends on only me

In my heart I don't feel part of so much I've known
Now it seems it's time to start a new life on my own
I'd do anything within my power
I'd give everything I've got
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day
Learning how to smile again
Free to show my heart
Knowing I can face the things
That used to seem too hard

Now I realize ,there's so much more to learn
I'm ready for the world, not scared of letting go
Saying it'll be all right
If there is a key that goes to my heart,

Oh, how the world seems so unfair,
Creating a love that cannot be shared,
As you go your way, and I go mine.
A light will shine and it will be me.

Just take a look through my eyes
There’s a better place, somewhere out there
Just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes, there will be time on this journey
All you'll see is darkness
Like the birds move on so they survive
If I trust in mine, somehow I might find who I am
My world has changed, and so have I
I've learned to choose and even learned to be better
There's so much to understand
Take a look through my eyes

By me Kay1975
Date written on 12 October 2009
nukilan rasa seorang sahabat....

...eppy 2gether..

Monday, October 5, 2009

...fikir-fikirkan dan renung-renungkan lahhhh....

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita terima je apa yg org tu kata
Tp bila kita kata dia?
mak aii punye ler bengang siap kalo kuar asap kat tinge tu 
tapi Hati kata takpe manusiakan tak perfect....

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita tnggu dia lame pn x pe
Tp bila dia tnggu kita???dia mrh2..tu baru lewat 2 min..kalo 2 jam???
 tapi Hati kata ala, adatlah ada yang menunggu n dtnggu....

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita x tdo pn x pe sbb nak lyn dia yg ngah bosan tahap gaban tu,
Tp bila kita bosan? Ada dia nak layan kita? hampeh jer
tp HAti kata x pe dia busy kot.....=(

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita gdh ngan dia, kita diam je
Tp dia heboh 1 dunia
HAti kata x pe, dia ngah tension ler tu.....,

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita kol nak ckp ngan dia Tp dia pulak xjawab fon bila jd cm2,
HAti kata, x pe lah nak wat cam ne dh nasib...

Bila kita syg org  tu
Kita cete ngan dia ibarat cete ngan tunggul lg baik
Tp bila dia cete ngan kita lak..kita kena dgr sampai tamat stori mori dia tu,
HAti kata, x pe arr syg la katakn...

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita sanggup bg dia rest bila dia letih,
Tp bila kita lak letih, dia srh gak kita lyn dia bila dia bosan..huhuhu
Adil ker tu ?
HAti kata, ala bukan selalu pun..

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita jadi cam org gila bila dengar dia sakit,
Tp bila kita sakit plak perghh dia leh siap kuar ngan kwn2 dia meraikan hari kesakitan kita tu,
HAti kata, ala x pe, x kn dia nak berkepit ngan kita 24 jam....

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita x prnh pntingkan diri sndri
Tp dia hpokrit thp gaban
HAti kata, x pe, dia mmg cm2 kene lah trima..

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita syg nk tngglkn dia slama2nya
Tp dia x tahu kita berdpn dgn maut,
Wlpon kita skt,dia kata kat kita,sakit bese2 jer kan, 
HAti kata, cmnelah dia bila kita x de, msti dia hepi gilew kan..=(

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita x snggp tngk dia derita
Tp dia x prnh hargai diri kita,
HAti kata, tau x btapa kita syg kan dia????

Bila kita syg org tu
Kita snggup tngglkn dia selama2nya untk dia bhgia
Tp adakah dia tahu pngrbanan yg kita lakukan itu???

Bila kita syg org tu
kita sggup wat apa saje demi dia...
Tapi DIA????

... fikir2kan lah..sayangilah dia seadanya...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Isn'T It???

Isn't it IRONIC???we IGNORE who ADORES us, ADORE who IGNORES us...LOVE who HURTS us and HURT who LOVES us...

lu pikir ler sendiri....